Unrivaled service with a twist!

Rich opportunities nation wide!

Need to find family members and not just employees…

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“Essentially Rookie Recruits creates a shortcut. They are able to make snap decisions from their phone conversations with candidates and they know exactly what we are looking for. If we were to do this on our own it would take longer, and we would have a less successful hit rate,” says Quinn.

Rookie Recruits finds passionate people for Acacia…

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Acacia Immigration
“Partnering with Rookies has been great to help clarify what exactly we are looking for in a candidate.” Rookie Recruits takes on the bulk of the process by running the ads, doing the resume and phone screening, and the first-round interviews. Consequently, Webster interviews only the candidates who are considered a good cultural fit for Acacia and who have the good attitude and work ethic Webster requires

Experience can lead to lacking energy and drive…

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Giannikos explained that he decided to make the switch to ‘hire for attitude and train for skill’ after he had taken on some people who ended up being false starters. He said that he has found that staff members with years of experience can also ‘lack energy and real drive.’ Although experienced staff may know about the industry, the terminology, and the dynamics of the company, these are things that can easily be learned by less experienced but more enthusiastic team members.

Attitude, drive and determination pay dividends during recruitment…

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Hiring someone who is perhaps less experienced but has the right attitude can be a fantastic investment because generally what happens is that you get someone who is very keen to improve their skills very quickly. They’re prepared to do extra work in their own time in order to fill in any weaknesses

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Graduate Program
  • Where does it come from?

    Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old.

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  • seemoredata

    Rookie have provided a fantastic level of depth to their service and have carefully scrutinized candidates before submission. Rookie Recruits provided our star performer, who has been a tremendous asset. When I have staffing requirements, they are at the top of my list to call.” Ferenc Mantfeld,CEO &

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  • SPOS Group

    We at V-net have been using rookie recruits for over a year now. Previously the screening of candidates was a timely and labour intensive exercise. Since the introduction of Rookie Recruits, the labour savings have been huge and more importantly the calibre of candidates has been outstanding. The

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  • V-Net Solutions

    We at V-net have been using rookie recruits for over a year now. Previously the screening of candidates was a timely and labour intensive exercise. Since the introduction of Rookie Recruits, the labour savings have been huge and more importantly the calibre of candidates has been outstanding. The

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