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Is your lengthy recruitment process costing you top talent?

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Hadn’t even thought about it? According to Human Capital magazine, a long recruitment process turns off more than 75% of potential employees. Surprisingly, the second biggest turn off for potential employees is the person who is conducting the interview.

You want to attract a high calibre candidate who can withstand the rigors of your long-standing recruitment process. Survival of the fittest is how you have always siphoned out the average applicants and found someone who is able to handle pressure situations and say all the right things in an interview.

This year has proven to be the beginning of a Candidate market. Skill shortages have become increasingly apparent in a range of industries. This means you are now in competition to recruit quality candidates, who often have multiple employment options. So if previously your recruitment process has been a lengthy survival of the fittest type, the fittest might be now be taking other offers before you even get the chance to measure their survival skills.

There is significant time and resource invested into the recruitment process and to lose the candidate in the end because the process has taken too long and they have taken another offer can be frustrating, and unnecessary. If you have a 4-step interview process with your toughest hiring manager, multiple tests, and a physical, ensure you aren’t scaring off good talent unnecessarily. If the structure is rigid and you can’t get around it, make sure you are selling your company to the candidate so they know it will be worthwhile to stick around for the long haul. They must believe the role and company are worth all the hoops they are jumping through, knowing there are easier options.

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