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3 Ways Their Internet Addiction Saves Your Money

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As a Gen Y and ‘Digital Native,’ I am completely dependent on my Internet connection. When we packed up and moved our office, we were ‘disconnected’ for the day. I spent most of my time glued to my iPhone tyring to work as I normally would, with multiple browser windows open, and a constant stream of information coming my way. But, it was slow and I felt frustrated, anxious, and like I couldn’t really do anything without a high speed Internet connection.


Here’s the freaky part, that reaction is normal for my generation! So, how can Gen Y’s addiction to instant information benefit you?

  1. Constant Learners
    We have spent our entire lives learning how to use new technologies and systems without consciously thinking about it. For example, I am confortable knowing that I can get music to my ears from a Walkman, Disman, MiniDisk, MP3 player, iPod classic, iPod Nano, iPod Shuffle, and iPhone, while on the go.This means, we will fly through your training program, pick up your computer system in no time, point out processes that could be updated to increase efficiency, and consequently, save your time and money.
  2. Self Taught
    Ask us to do something and we’ll say, ‘Sure, no problem.’ Of course, we might not know how to do it just yet, but lucky for us, we know where we can find all the information we need to get it done. We have constant access to a wealth of information on the web, there is always a YouTube video, blog article, or forum post that will tell us how to get on top of what we have said wouldn’t be a problem. We save your valuable time by teaching ourselves. Take away our Google… we might be a bit stuck.
  3. Increased Efficiency
    We aren’t lazy, we just know there is a better way, and we like to work smarter, not harder. We are naturally inclined to use technology to make things easier and more efficient. Our innovative streak makes us creative, keeping you on top of online trends and best practice. And, our passion for new technologies will save our time, and your money by increasing overall efficiency.

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